Essential Oils: Should They Be Used For Insect Control?

 In Blog, Homeowner Tips
English: Glass vial containing Ledum Essential Oil

English: Glass vial containing Ledum Essential Oil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Essential oils have for centuries been used as a natural pest control method, aiding in keeping insects away from shrubs, perennials, and vegetation. In a world where chemical sprays are all the norm and are very effective, why would one decide to use essential oils for insect control?

When It’s Acceptable to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils for insect control are used as a precautionary method for discouraging insects, and not necessarily as a treatment for existing infestations. Essential oils are also great supplementary methods used with modern pest control methods to treat current pest problems.

Strong and pungent essential oils, like rosemary, mint, and cedar wood, are common essential oils helpful for discouraging insects. These oils will not kill the pests and are washed away by heavy rainfall, so if these are used they must be reapplied daily to discourage infestation.

When to Seek Professional Help

Essential oils for insect control is great occasionally, especially if it is against a very small population of harmful invaders. With large populations moving in, however, one must use every weapon in their arsenal of insect control methods. This may include consulting with a trusted pest control service in order to discover the best methods for the situation.

Many services know that some of their clients are seeking more natural methods for insect control, methods that are beneficial for their garden, health, and the environment. These enlightened-minded professionals will often have a host of low-level pesticides and insecticides that present a low amount of toxins, if any. Many natural pesticides exist on the market today, some made with both modern scientific ingredients as well as ancient essential oil blends.

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