Managing Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers are beautiful birds, but they also create pervasive noise and cause structural damage to trees. Although they are fascinating to watch, having woodpeckers drill holes into the side of your house isn’t very pleasant. Fortunately, there are ways that you can protect your home, trees, and sanity from this noisy critter.
Woodpecker Damage
Woodpeckers can become an annoying due to the noises they constantly produce during mating season. While courting, most woodpeckers use “drumming” as a means to proclaim their existence to prospective mates. This drumming can be against a tree or the wood siding of a house. They do not discriminate as to the type of wood on which they tap their beaks, and will create deep holes in almost any wooden surface.
When not seeking potential mates, woodpeckers search for insects by pecking their way through wooded surfaces, such as trees, fences, or house siding. If done in excess, this pecking can cause costly damage to any living area. If you spot woodpecker holes on your property, be sure to inspect these areas to ensure that these holes do not allow other pests, such as insects or small rodents, to enter.
Humane Woodpecker Control
If woodpeckers are constantly pecking at wood on your home or other area, be sure to check for insects. If an area is infested with small insects, such insects draw hungry woodpeckers to the area. Contacting a professional pest control service may be helpful in resolving this issue.
Be sure to remove any dead trees and other dead organic material from your property. This is often attractive to woodpeckers. Scaring the birds with water, such as from a hose or a sprinkler system, may prove effective at removing them from your residence. The woodpeckers will associate your area with danger, and will be less likely to return. Aluminium foil strips or other shiny and reflective surfaces may be also discourage woodpeckers from entering your property. Chemical bird repellents may be helpful, but will only last for a very short time.
Since woodpeckers are protected by law from being harmed in any way, using poisoning methods is illegal. Thus, natural methods are your only option. By acting promptly you are more likely to remove this bird from your premises and prevent further damage over time.