A New Concern Over Marijuana Safety: Insect Contamination
English: The Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana (www.wamm.org) presents Victoria, the nation’s first legal medical marijuana plant. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Medicinal marijuana has been steeped in controversy for years and we’re not taking a stand either way. It started back in the the 1930’s, with Hollywood films depicting it as an addictive and deadly substance, attempting to reduce its usage among both teenagers and adults alike. Today, many people argue its supposed health claims and whether or not it should be legalized for health and regulatory reasons. Although many studies are still underway to determine marijuana’s exact effects on the body and the brain, there is one concern that is currently being proposed to the pro-marijuana team: insect contamination.
Insects Love Medicinal Marijuana
According to new research conducted at the University of New Haven in Connecticut, the majority of marijuana produced and sold in America is contaminated with dead insects, pesticides, and even mold. The pro-marijuana stance has long touted that this plant-drug could help alleviate many of the body’s ills but has yet to discuss the possibility of these harmful contaminants.
When it comes to insect contamination, the repercussions of consumption could be serious. For instance, there have been some accounts of insects carrying deadly diseases even after death. Depending on the way the marijuana plant is consumed, these diseases have may be capable of affecting users. Considering the lack of marijuana production regulation in some parts of the country, this can be especially problematic for patients using the plant for medicinal purposes.
Mold can also be a particularly dangerous issue for marijuana users, as this hold is often inhaled through the lungs. Not only can the lungs be infected by mold and insect diseases, but the entire body can also experience negative effects. Unfortunately, little is known as to the extent of these effects, as contamination varies depending on growing locations and methods. Those for legalization of marijuana claim that higher stringency on the regulation of the drug may help to lower contamination overall.
The Marijuana Debate: What’s to Be Done?
Researchers at the University of New Haven have expressed their desire for the government to enforce strict certification laws in states where marijuana production and distribution is legal. This may help reduce the number of pesticides and insect parts allowed on the plant. Although some contaminants can easily be spotted with the naked eye, many insect parts, pesticides, and mold can go largely unnoticed.
A patient with a suppressed immune system who uses the drug as a complementary medical approach may be especially at risk, as are the elderly. Unfortunately, research on the safety of marijuana and its possible contaminants has yet to be conducted on a wide scale. With tighter regulation on its production, many medical professionals agree that its safety can be improved, and that contamination from insects and bacteria may be lessened.